Add Your Heading Text HereE-Engaged: A Journey into the Digital World for Everyone
Imagine a world where different generations meet, collaborate and learn from each other. This is the innovative and engaging training program of the e-EngAGEd project!
The project, funded by the European Commission (Cerv-2022-Citizens-Civ Project n. 101081537), aims to improve media literacy skills, linked to the conscious use of information communication technologies, to counter disinformation and recognize misleading news.
At the heart of this experience is intergenerational learning, an approach that values the different perspectives and skills of people of all ages. Through dynamic learning activities and guided reflections, participants explored the challenges and opportunities of teaching and learning in intergenerational contexts.
Here are some activities carried out by Fondazione Mondo Digitale during the e-EngAGEd training meetings:
-Intergenerational teaching simulation: e-EngAGEd is not just theory, the participants planned and implemented a lesson for adult learners, adapting the contents and teaching methods to the different needs of the participants.
-Digital treasure hunt: participants used their online research skills to find information on a given topic, assessing the credibility of sources and debunking fake news.
-Awareness campaign against disinformation: participants exercised their creative ability and creativity to learn not only how to recognize information but initiate activities to raise public awareness of the dangers of disinformation and how to counter it.
-Social media challenge: participants explored the risks and potential of social media, developing skills to use them in a positive and responsible way. They learned to recognize harmful content, manage online interactions effectively and harness the power of social media to drive positive change.
The e-EngAGEd training course was an extraordinary success because it prepared young people to become trainers of more adult students
Below you can listen to the testimony of Laura Ubaldi, digital civil service volunteer at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, who took part in the training activities (testimony recorded on 13 December 2023).
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